
But Tour De Pharmacy was set in 1982. From 81 til 85, the Tour was won by a Frenchman (Hinault in 81, 82 and 85, Laurent Fignon in 83 and 84).

One of Bernard "Le Blaireau" Hinault's 5 Tour victories was in 1982.

His release was blocked pending resolution of his appeal.

I thought it was to maintain Network subscriptions, since there was 6 weeks between Fastlane and WM.

Unless the Bible was right, and we were genetically engineered by aliens.

I think Jon Snow will end up fighting against Dany.

That's the thing, the Sand Snakes plan was to abduct Myrcella from their uncle's palace, they didn't know Jaime and Bronn would be there, so why would they put poison on their blades? To slowly and painfully kill Dornish guards who serve their family?

Nah, more likely that creative think he looks like a rodent.

"Science Officer!"