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    This matches what Rachel Bloom said in her Facebook QnA (I think), when asked if she was Team Josh or Team Greg, she replied that she was Team Rebecca. The solution for Rebecca's lack of self-worth isn't a romantic relationship with either guy; rom coms paper over their protagonists deeper issues with a romantic happy

    Good point! I think because the show is very empathetic to its characters, it gives off the impression that they're implicitly condoning the awful things its characters do. But the show's stance on its characters' behaviour shows up in clever little choices - like the apple cider you brought up. And it carried on to

    I guess the issue here is that Valencia has been mostly used as a foil to Rebecca, and is almost a mere plot device. Nearly every character in the show has shades to show why they have the hangups they have… but Valencia is just a Mean Girl, who views all other women as threats, with no real story as to why she got

    I loved that it was like a throwaway joke, but came back again in the cutest way at the end of the episode where Darryl himself uses a double negative in "I don't wanna say that I don't like anyone else as much as you…" confusing himself and letting slip his feelings.

    I loved all the little callbacks, like the co-worker at the law firm who likes to beat out rhythms on tables (he last appeared in Josh and I Are Good People! with that quirk being one of the things that drove Paula crazy).

    According to Rachel Bloom's Twitter, David Hull was only told that he would be in the musical numbers 10minutes before filming. I guess they decided to cover it up by having White Josh serve as a foil to the earnestness of Rebecca and gang.

    She was actually Pirelli! She also played the accordion and flute as part of her role. Try searching for John Doyle's Sweeney Todd.

    Am I missing something, but isn't Anna Gunn's character Ellie MILLER, not Martin? (Tennant's Scottish accent seems to slip through every time he says it.)