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I remember being disappointed that Home Alone 2 did a retread of the mom-son relationship instead of giving the dad his turn. RIP

"but expecting people not to talk about them for your benefit also seems stupid."

Well, if you think so.

Nah, I think I'll continue to complain about them, sorry.

Except the previews are not part of the episode and not everyone watches them, for a reason. I don't need a sneak peek of what's going to happen next episode, I'd rather just wait and find out while watching the episode.

Yeah, they do in my book. They tells me what's going to happen next episode. Now I know to expect Nymeria to show up.

You spoiled episode two with that last one. Why not at least give warning? And why are those stupid previews even necessary?

I guess it means that the CSS and USA will go to war again.

Everyone's Toast.

I don't know, can't Arya just kill Qyburn a similar soft target and use his face to approach Cersei? How would a mindless zombie like the Mountain know it's her?

You're not wrong but I'm not really talking about this specific case, I'm taking about the emptiness of the common "just doing my job" justification. Just because you get paid to do something doesn't mean it's right and that you waive any and all responsibility while doing it.

"He was just doing his job."

I meant like middle-aged, late forties.

Worth a shot, my Music career is winding down.

Would've been more interesting if they cast an older actress.

It does actually, thank you.

Define troll please?

"This is an untouchable argument."

Sterling logic right there.

If you say that then you don't know what a liberal is.