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Well, I don't think they should remain where they are, I think they should be moved to a museum or a statue park like Insert Meme Here suggested, but certainly not destroyed.

I'd see your point if defending statues from destruction was equivalent to defending what they stand for.

ugh I hate when it can't detect contextual irony, can you point it out to me, like I'm a five year old?

You must be replying to the wrong comment darling because I didn't say that.

Well yeah, those who started the War of Independence were traitors to the crown too.

You should try having a discussion with someone without assuming they're out to get you, and without resorting to childish and meaningless internet buzzwords.

"you want to memorialize unwilling conscripts of a war who were forced to fight on the wrong side?"

"Ohhhhh I get it now. You're one of those people who thinks we should keep Confederate statues because of "history.""

That's true, but Germany does have many monuments commemorating their military dead in World War 2.

I think that's a very black and white view of it, especially when you consider the enemies Germany was facing in the east. Anyway, in regards to the statue controversy, this article makes some points worth considering:

No I don't mean anti-nazis, civilian victims or even nazis, I mean monuments commemorating Wehrmacht soldiers who died fighting the Allies.

What are your thoughts on monuments commemorating German or Japanese dead in WW2?

"for some fucking reason"

Good, I can feel the deep-rooted racial problems fading away already.

I remember being disappointed with Spanglish because it was mismarketed as a comedy more akin to Brooks' brilliant As Good as it Gets, which it certainly isn't.

It's tempting, I'll give you that. But punch one and they'll have something to point at to push their narrative, thus creating more of them. Their cartoonish ideology and demeanour is really deceiving but they are smarter and more complex than they seem. It seems that part of the reason they're starting to flourish is

It's also the counterproductive thing to do, unless they punched first.

"Very convincing points, stranger. I shall go home, grow out my hair, get this swastika tattoo lasered and kiss the nearest jew."

Not a single mention of the racist treatment and depiction of the Japanese?

The Nazis considered swing and jazz music along with pretty much all non-Germanic culture to be degenerate art created by blacks and jews and they encouraged the exclusive consumption of German culture. The movie literally depicts Nazis rounding up swing kids for going to dance clubs so it really reinforces Bizarro's