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I think many people fail to understand that he was supposed to be a whiny brat in ANH.

Weird, I didn't see anyone standing up for sensationalistic, controversy-baiting blogging.

Lena Dunham can totally keep doing her thing though.

So no reply? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that you spoke German since you're all about lecturing on others on correct German spelling. Guess not. Mein bad.



These days it's about seeing what sticks to get clicks.

Also apparently all you have to do to be a hero nowadays is not clap. No sacrifice or courage necessary, just do nothing.

Eigentlich kann ich "Kindergarten" perfekt auschreiben, aber es ist lächerlich dass du nichts anders machen kannst als ein Typo auszusuchen um meine Stellung anzugreifen, du Grammatik Nazi. Versuchs nochmal du Depp ;)

I wasn't trying to impress anyone. No one comes off as intelligent in these dumbass discussions, but it's hard to engage such simple-minded and misrepresenting sarcasm with an actual adult response.

That's half true IMO, I think he's being showered in gold and muck at the same time.

You started "yelling", not me. And to answer your point, yes he won an oscar, but all the discussion around him is almost exclusively about the allegations against him and how much of a creep he is. His performance is pushed to the sidelines and he's being defined as the creep who didn't deserve to win an Oscar.


Tomorrow? I think before the end of the day is more accurate.

Jajaja, me encanta.

Ever heard the concept of a "reputation" and "having one's name dragged through the mud for clicks and other people's self-satisfaction"?

Hmmm nope. Try again but use a little less kindergarden-level sarcasm and a little more thought.

"No facts or "certainty beyond a reasonable doubt" needed here, just some stuff people said."

"You're acting like this is some grand reveal"
