Jeremy Ross

I still can't believe she's dead. My friend and I were like "There's no way they're going to kill her. She'll get out." Still, we're going to see several of the female characters at their most fierce in season 7. Hopefully, the male characters won't be completely neutered in the name of "smashing the patriarchy,"

Typical SJW feminist. Your opinion is invalid.

I'm kinda sad not to see "The Mesopotamians" and "Kiss Me, Son of God" on here. The former because it works on many levels: historical, autobiographical, and as an allegory about The Beatles. The latter because it showcases their cynical side more clearly than any other song in their repertoire. I'd also include "Damn

I enjoy "Au Contraire" simply for the fact that it leads into my favourite track on the album.

Bronies are fans of a show for little girls. Thing is, it happens to be a pretty good show. Not as good as, say, Arrested Development or Game of Thrones, but still a pretty good show. Some bronies are casual fans, and some take it to creepy levels.

Here's the thing though: You assume that just because someone is a brony or that, god forbid, someone actually defends the show is proof they are obsessed with it and only it. I don't see bronies accusing others of say, wanting to fuck tribbles because they're Trekkies or being peodphiles or whatever because of the

You know, there's an easy solution to your pony-related woes. Don't click on stuff that mentions ponies. That way you don't have to feel soiled and we don't have to put up with your whining. Fair? I don't know why haters feel the need to click on anything having to do with ponies. Is it some weird-ass form of

I would love to see the haters try to kill all of us. My wearing pony shirts in public is basically a dare to you haters to come at me. I'm still alive. So haters, you aren't trying very hard. I'm kind of disappointed.

It's pretty meh. The sequel is actually way better. Still am not a fan of the character designs though.

Okay, then how about the fact that there's generally an underlying lesson in addition to the stated lesson that adults will more likely catch than children? Better? Because they're there. For example, the stated lesson in "The Best Night Ever" is that as long as you have your friends with you, you can always have a

What's awesome about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is that it's feminist without being male-shaming. Which is probably why Tumblr hates it.

Goddamn it you beat me to it.

"This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!"