
I didn't really like Jessica Jones much. While Luke I had more a connection to. I struggled to get through the second half on Jessica Jones. Not that Lukes second half was great but I definitely liked it more.

Looking at the comments I didn't realize how many people don't like Luke Cage. I thought it was great. I liked it better than Jessica Jones.

Damn. I like the first 6 or 7 eps of this season but the show just hasn't grabbed me of late. Ill watch this one but if its truely not that good I'll stop altogther.

So this was better than the last 2 eps? Cause I didn't enjoy those much at all.

I don't have a problem that there are more white shows. I don't think any logical person thinks that. I have a problem that there aren't more minority shows that I use to watch when I was younger, for example Martin, Living Single, New York Undercover, The whole UPN/ WB block. I just wonder why they haven't been

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I sought of agree with you. I think people just enjoy hate watching where as if I don't like a show or series I usually stop watching at some point and don't care about it. I don't mind people expressing how they feel but the ones who keep watching I just don't have that appeal. But to each its own.

Does anyone in the comments like the show. All I have been reading is how the show isn't any good. And if you do what is the reasoning because I've read plenty of reasoning about why this season is not good.

Does anyone in the comments like the show. All I have been reading is how the show isn't any good. And if you do what is the reasoning because I've read plenty of reasoning about why this season is not good.

So why do people hate this?

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Is AV club still reviewing Family Guy

Yea I felt the same way but kept watching and it got a whole lot better as the season went on

Whoa. Don't associate supporting Dan Snyder with Supporting Redskins

As a Washington Redskins fan should I hate this episode? Because I came out Loving it. I still think the name shouldn't change.

It was in Baltimore

Thank you. That is what my feeling on the show have been since it started. If felt always felt like white people writing black dialogue, not that its a problem I guess but it doesn't feel natural or real.