
I totally get it, buddy. When she told Sherlock that she loved him, it made me cry. But I guess I was sort of prepared to lose her, because it was expected, after all this show is about Holmes and Watson. I'm just glad she's alive, and could, in theory, come back someday.

I disagree. I think Kitty really left a mark on both of their lives, and right now I feel that Holmes and Watson are closer than they've ever been because of her.
Season 1 was the (delicious) beginning and the development of their relationship.
During season 2, they sort of stagnated. Eventually, Joan realized that she

Part of me was a little bit disappointed that Andrew was no Mary Morstan, somebody John Watson was truly in love with, but on the other hand I don't want Joan to really suffer (beyond the normal sadness and guilt, that is).
So… I guess what I'm trying to say is that the writers are doing a pretty good job here, in my

My heart raced a little bit when I heard her voice.

Thank you very much! I am definitely buying this book! When I first read Sherlock Holmes, I could barely speak any English. Now that I've learned, I feel that I can't call myself a real fan until I read the original stories.

John's love life has always left me rather confused. I always blamed my lack of understanding on translation problems (I never read Sherlock Holmes in its original language), so it was a surprise for me to realize that nobody actually knows how many wives he's had.

Agreed. Her face is what made the whole thing funny.

Upvoted for ketchup in coffee.

What I really (REALLY!) wanted to see is Sherlock in a prom dress singing "Let It Go".

Yes, I wonder the same.

I think these are just unfounded rumours. Miller posted this on his instagram less than a month ago: http://t.co/FS3PDBQ2OB

Her canon counterpart is also called Kitty Winters. She's a minor character in the Adventure of the Illustrious Client.

Yes. Being a fan of Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, I keep expecting the other shoe to drop regarding Kitty.

The original Sherlock is a boxer, and I'm pretty sure it's implied at some point that he's very fit.