Evil Morty

"My Man!"

I think I read that if they need to shoot a farmer milking the cow they use a blown up surgical glove filled with white paint. But only after the glove has been inflated on Howie Mandels head.

I don't know why but this made me laugh out loud 😆

"That about does it, Spooky"

My favorite cameo she had was in the X Files movie as the bartender that cuts off drunk Mulder. "I'd say that about does it, Spooky." In the summer of 98 I worked at a movie theater and her line delivery never failed to get a huge response. I'm sad to hear she's gone.

I love this show. At first the dark humor was off putting but I've grown to care about this flawed family.

Wally Brando is my spirit animal. Sometimes in front. Sometimes in back. Sometimes to the right. Sometimes at night.

Pop Pop!

Oh! Good theory. I was hoping the deer was from another alien faction but that makes total sense.

I loved it but what about the talking Deer?

The Lego Movie was full of erections

Sarah Paulson isn't British?!?!

It's very rewatchwable. Just be sure to skip each seasons gut wrenching episode - usually the second from the last (I think). Neil McBeil the Navy Seal and Charlie the Intern are always worth revisiting

There's something about this show that I just love. It's silly, but also witty and sweet. I can't get enough of the talking deer.

Drunk History is a gateway to historical films! They leave you craving more.

ooh wee!

My favorite quote in a comedy loaded will hilarious gags. His line delivery and wide eyes have me rolling

And a classic Simpsons episode and a fantastic SNL impression

You see us as you want to see us: Toothless, Lando, Weirdo and the Dungeon Master

The last great Adam Sandler comedy in my book. The turn of the millennium hasn't been kind