slower not louder

I think Malin Akerman just looks a little too cherubic to pull off the Lady Macbeth thing too.

Is it just me or is this review a bit hard on the episode? Some good points made, but you'd think this episode was anything less than damn good teevee

I love how they gave Alicia the most severe unflattering hair for the first half of the season, so that when it got all sassy from Jason Crouse being such a good lay or whatever, she looks immeasurably better.

I just discovered that AV club was recapping this show, and I'm so thrilled! I can't give enough kudos to these reviews- the format is really trail blazing stuff for covering chick coms. Love love love!

she looks fine, it's not plastic surgery, she's just naturally pouty. It's one of those things that some people like and some people don't. Get over it and don't be so hideously critical.

That is so offensive to point out that Skarsgard isn't American, as if it's a legitimate point in assessing his acting ability, especially considering most Swedes speak better English than 95% of Americans.

I don't think the acting is bad at all, aside from Famke Janssen's obviously bad English accent, which was hugely entertaining to see her fumble, so it's not even a negative. I don't see how Kevin Spacey's screen mugging is considered such better acting than the Hemlock Grove cast, but again, it's not surprising that

This show is underrated. Why? Because there's no big Emmy bait actor attached to it, and it's not addressing hot topic sociogender issues. Sure it wasn't without flaws, and it got camptastic as hell at times (is that a bad thing?!?), but wow you would think critics would be better able to quantify the many appeals

I googled pepper pot bisque.

Great great article- I've been in love and awe with Enlisted, and was so impressed with its general craftsmanship and sure footed confidence, and an ensemble cast that gelled together from the get go, which is definitely a rare thing in television. I googled enough to figure out Kevin Biegel's general resume, but