I suppose Foggy worked better for me because I already loved Foggy from years of reading the comics, it's interesting to see people who might not be familiar with the comics hating his guts
I suppose Foggy worked better for me because I already loved Foggy from years of reading the comics, it's interesting to see people who might not be familiar with the comics hating his guts
You mean Microchip? Old guy with a beard who sits behind a computer and modifies assault weaponry?
After Frank sicced the hulk on him who promptly punched Logan into New Jersey
Then what the fuck does Hutch represent?
Pull up a groove and get fabulous
Compared to Chew it does, but yes it's also a fairly silly book
The fact it's actually being made kind of reminds me of the Bryan Fuller pilot for the amazing screw on head which had a similarly cheeky sense of humor and was superb
Apparently Appleby will still hate Chu
I'm really really excited for this
The cartoony "chomp!" Panels that feature characters nibbling on arms etc. Is definitely more hilarious when posed in Guillory's overly expressive style
iZOMBIE the comic was also more than just that basic concept and is more of a supernatural comic while Chew plays out like a police procedural mixed with the Simpsons, iZombie also took itself a bit more seriously and had ghosts and werewolf and shit, Chew exists in a world where there's such a thing as shuriken made…
The comic goes there fairly often
If you think that you really should pick up Chew, its wonderful, just a big silly fun time in a world where all of law enforcement has been replaced by food regulatory agencies and people have food related superpowers
Wee baby Seamus is technically Cyrils son, so Archer is basically just a dick and not a dick dad for that one
Titus also kills his daughter
And told those bitches to leave
Um, er, uh, waah
Whenever I think about Chinatown I imagine that bullet didn't just graze him in the arm and actually hit him in the face killing him instantly, it helps me sleep at night
The characters in the SS comic don't swear all that much, I haven't seen the movie but that sounds like a Vaughn idea at least for Kingsman, the comic is utterly disposable entertainment and I only read it out of my love for Dave Gibbons