Black Bean Sauce

Disappointed that Shirley didn't win. A little explanation by the judges might have been nice. Sheesh! I agree wholeheartedly with the recapper that although I enjoyed this season I wish it was an all stars season and not vets VS rookies. Not only do I feel bad for the rookies having their season to shine stripped

Huh. Seems like more than a coincidence if you ask me. I can eat beef chow fun for days.

Loved Shirley's facial expression when her husband said she is the same at home as she is on the show. Hyper.

Pulling for Shirley but was really excited to see Sheldon make chow fun noodles on the show. That's one of my favorite dishes and I've never seen anyone make it from scratch before.
I'm glad they're going to Mexico again, that's been my all time favorite finale destination so far on the show. It was so funny when that

I don't think that's gonna happen, but I can picture it on the appetizer menus of some foodie oriented bar restaurants. Though I think dumpling making is probably a bit labor intensive for most places.

I know what you mean, I think she has become a better chef and more likeable over the years, especially since they keep seeming to bring her back and she's gotten so much practice. However, every time I see her my knee jerk reaction is, oh it's that chick who ruined Carla's dish again.

I think cheese burger dumplings is already a dish in some Gyoza restaurants in Japan. It would be a welcome addition to many a happy hour menu here.

She's come a long ways, but I still can't quite forgive her for messing up Carla's dish.

Way to go, Shirley! It's been an entertaining enough season, and I enjoyed seeing the old faces, however I can't help but feel sorry for the newcomers basically having their season taken from them by the veterans. I can imagine the Italian girl, the short southern guy with glasses, Silva and Jamie all being stars this

I've always found Katsuji to be quite entertaining and interesting, even though he has devolved into a Top Chef villain. His youtube videos are pretty funny and he is very fashionable.

Sure. At any rate, he certainly wasn't considered a villain on his season or on Masters. But I guess that's obvious. His season's Restaurant Wars was my all time favorite. After his team won and Michael got the MVP he got pissed at his brother getting rewarded for being a jerk. And boy has he ever.

Oh, that's right. Oops.

Brian's not a villain, he was the "nice" brother who always called out Michael for being a prick.

Shirley was great this episode. I have two beefs. One is that I don't think Jaimie is this great guy for giving up his immunity (which I don't think he should have been allowed to do anyway). I think he probably just wanted to be the hero who fights his way back through last chance kitchen. I almost felt like he was