
I think Russell's role in the film will be quite small. He's already filmed his part and was away from the UK less than a week. He's given up living and working in Hollywood but I don't think he ever claimed he was giving up being a comedian/performer.

Russell Brand is playing the role of God in this movie. Seriously, he said so on his podcast. So it's a nice fuck you to the Christian Right instead.

I think Liam will be a good addition, even if he seems like a device much like Dawn in Buffy or Connor in Angel - a younger kid to give the hero character someone they have to take care of. I was finding Liam's circle of friends rather blah until the twist that two of them are evil little assassins. I don't know about

I think Stiles sees the dark side to having supernatural powers. He refused the bite because he didn't want to risk becoming a monster like Peter and he experienced being an all-powerful monster when he was possessed by the Nogitsune. I think Stiles has always been more comfortable being the fascinated friend of