dr Dave


Am I the only one feeling that this show's particular brand of uninventive relentless bleak misery, is going to have a *much* harder time finding its public in the coming few years?

"Hey guys, I think I just heard a noise coming from the basement… or was it the attic? Let's all split and inquire on our own…"

I'm alright with a reasonable amount of implausible plotting and moronic panicky moves, but TWD is just one endless stream of retarded decisions, by characters that all pride themselves on their supreme ability to survive…

"In last week's edition of 'Tips for surviving a zombie apocalypse', it appears we may have inadvertently switched the labels for 'dos' and 'donts'…

"Would you survive a zombie apocalypse in the world of The Walking Dead":

> heavy London accent

In the real world, of course, Christian missionaries had the easiest time in the world establishing themselves in Japan (they were actually surprised at how easy it was, compared to other countries in Asia and the Americas). The local 'hostility' only started when they also tried to import the very fashionable concept