
No, but this is:

Liked the first one, ignored the second, had no idea this one even existed until this piece was posted. Honestly.

If that hasn't already been made as a porn parody, I will, sadly, be surprised. Because you know that's next.

Don't forget the fact that the male ducks have corkscrew penises!

It's gotten to New Kids on the Block levels. For example, I've seen, more than once, ads for a Chia Duck Dynasty Beard. Also, at my local gas station, they sell Duck Dynasty candy bars next to all the regular ones.

I hear it at most sporting events I go to (at least in the US). This, despite Gary Glitter himself getting caught for having kiddie porn on his computer in the late '90s, then, in the 2000s, getting put on the UK sex registry after getting arrested a 2nd time and doing 4 months in prison. Years later, he got arrested

It certainly was (I was born in the early '80s, so I only know just from listening to adult contemporary tunes from that time period), but at least it inspired this gem from SCTV: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I liked the Minecraft episode a lot, only because I feel the same way the kids do about their parents' viewing habits that I do whenever my dad brings up Ancient Aliens. I love my father, and I wouldn't even call him stupid. Just someone who could use a little more skepticism.

Probably because only a select handful of actors in the biz have the privilege to be choosy with what roles they take, and sadly, even after all these years, Martin Mull's probably still not in that category. Successful enough to make a living, sure, but shows like Fernwood 2-Night come along once in a lifetime.

I heard something about there being deep fried Pepsi at the Texas State Fair a few years back. Did anyone go, and can anyone confirm this for me?

What—no sea salt? That'll cost you $2.50, in addition, at least.

And this time, actually let them take over, rather than put their name in the title, but just push them aside to promote, say, ARTPOP.

For me, it's "Bye Bye Bye". I enjoy that song on an unironic level. (That, and my cousin does a killer dance to it at weddings. Unfortunately for him, everyone expects it now. For his sake, I will avoid posting the video clip of it here.)

I remember this now—at least from what I recall from The Monkees' Behind the Music and True Hollywood Story episodes, which aired, what, 15 years ago? It's amazing how listenable the Monkees' stuff still is.

Which makes me wonder—when will they bolt from 19 Entertainment, the way N'Sync/Backstreet Boys left Lou Pearlman, and the Monkees went their own way (Headquarters and afterward. Sucked for the Monkees in particular that the week after Headquarters debuted at #1, Sgt. Pepper came out)? Seems like every boy band (and

I feel the same way about Kristen Wiig's SNL recurring characters as you do (though that was the only one I liked—I just didn't like the way she was used last night, as, outside the Lawrence Welk Show context, it doesn't really make as much sense, in my opinion)—and yet, I've liked her in every movie role I've seen

Yeah. Songs like "The Pill" certainly wouldn't make it on modern country radio.

Actually, I think Elton John was already out as bi by the late '80s and came out as gay publicly (in a Barbara Walters special, I think) in '92 or '93. Also, one of the first high-profile celebs (along with Elizabeth Taylor, if I recall correctly) to get behind AIDS activism.

My supermarket played "The Only Exception" by Paramore the other day while I was out with my husband shopping.