Zach Hoffman

She wasn't just a plot device. She WAS the love of Ted's life, but she died and it was time to move on. And remember, this whole story is just a memory being told to Ted's kids, so who's to say that all the events of the story actually happened exactly how they happened? (i.e. maybe the differences between him and

I saw this today, and immediately thought "this looks kinda like How I Met Your Mother, but without any of the redeeming qualities".

This is where I'm tempted to go "NEEEEEERRRRDDD" and leave the room, but then I'd be insulting everyone here, myself included.

So you pretty much nailed that one.

Here's the list:

best Indiana Jones reference, ever.

This review cements proves something I had been thinking for a while: whatever AV club says an episode was like, I should just assume that it will be the opposite. I mean seriously, this gets a B, but the Blauman episode gets an A? You do know that a B is *worse* than an A, right?

I'm surprised they haven't incorporated that line into the show yet.

Or they're just gonna say something like "hey, it doesn't have to be just on thanksgiving."