
I disagree. I attributed the A- rating to people who DIDN'T know that. The John Simm reveal I get, but there were so many tantalizing hints to the cybermen throughout the episode that would've been lost on the audience if you didn't know that's what the hospital was about. One of the few instances of television (not

Only any A-? That's probably one of the best episodes of New Who ever (imo)!!!

My take aways from this season:

I don't know if it's been mentioned but Nardole was in his bathrobe because he was getting ready for bed before they set off in the TARDIS. There's a throwaway line where he says "I just wanna go to bed"

I didn't notice it until this ep but Bob Odenkirk is one of if not the most charismatic guy on TV right now

After 3 seasons I still don't know what to think of Howard he seems like a morally upstanding guy and massive dick all at the same time

Like @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus mentioned it was a blackout. When you're that sleep deprived you don't even register falling asleep. To you you're just awake in one spot then suddenly awake in another with no idea what happened in the interval. I think they did a great job f visually representing

It showed perfectly how resilient Kim is but also how alone she is. She left HHM and devoted her entire life to her work (no time for friends and a personal life). The only person she could've called is Jimmy but I think deep down she knows he's not reliable which is why she ended up doing it herself

I hated Jimmy for it, but I loved the salaciousness of it.

I agree with you that the pills thing will pay off in the finale. But shows often take liberties with reality. If they wanted Hector to die right away from taking the pill they could've just written it that way.

Only BCS could make me go on such an emotional roller coaster with a character only introduced in that episode

A pleasant and quint episode that did it's job, not every episode needs to be a massive epic

Nobody's mentioned this great little bit of script from Chuck: "Purple grapes, yellow bananas, orange… oranges"

Literally screamed "F*ck Yeah!" when he threw the pills in

Especially in the scene where Hector first shows up to Pollos Hermanos. In that scene it looked like Nacho had been relegated to the background. Glad he hasn't been and has had some time in the spotlight

If I'm gonna be honest I'm not into this entire story arc. Especially coming from a guy like Aziz Ansari, I'd expect him to do it better and not be so corny/cliche. I'm only on episode 9 though. Maybe it will resolve well in episode 10.

You could stick a republican sticker on a literal turd and republicans would endorse it as president

I wanna see more of Kim. It still doesn't seen like she's a fully fleshed out character

He was a bit in the background in seasons 1 and 2 and I was afraid he had been relegated to a glorified tertiary character in 3. Glad he's getting his chance in the spotlight

BCS writes it's characters so complexly that I can hate Chuck and sympathize with him at the same time