
It's not about saving yourself for marriage, though that is the way it is phrased (because it tends to be sexist since the advice is usually given to girls). It is about only having sex in the context of marriage because of the view that sex is a holy act that requires covenant. (What it really does though is ensure

The door was unlocked because he had just come home from killing the other scientist. He was described as being unhinged by OA so that he would have been so lax makes sense.

Didn't he just ask her a few episodes ago if she would have his baby?

Happy for the weekly coverage. I find that it enhances my viewing experience of shows! Hopefully it will be as good as the coverage for Jane the Virgin. I understand the fear Mandy Moore had about her son potentially being taken away. The attitude towards mixed race families then wasn't great and regardless, by the

There was much to like about this episode but the direction was not one of them. What is being described as dreamy just seemed pretentious and distracting to me. I thought it felt very stylized and pulled you out of the story and away from the characters. I like the show but please, have enough faith in the writing

The Judge states that for every delay, multiple people end up spending another night in jail—he is concerned with overall process, not individuals. I think that makes him cynical maybe but not evil. He actually does care about people getting out.

Betty became a heavy smoker early on to help her control food cravings. When she was fat Betty, that was actually her more natural state and was a time when she was too depressed to care or try so hard. People use the example of her getting mad at Bobby giving away the sandwich as one of bad parenting but it is

While I don't doubt that it probably had more to do with off screen things, it does make some internal sense for Alicia's character to be cut off from Kalinda. The show has repeatedly mentioned how Alicia has no female friends and every time she thinks she is getting close to a woman, they betray her. She has very

I lost a lot of respect for Annalise when she had the secretary blatantly lie on the stand. It is one thing for her as a defense attorney to vigorously defend the guilty—that is having faith in the system. It is another to coerce witnesses to lie on the stand. There is nothing clever or smart about that and she

I think it is bound to be the case that Wes is Annalise's son that she gave up for adoption or had a sister raise or something all those years ago. You are supposed to think this is an amazing law school and that only the best of the best work for her. There are way too many references to her inability to have

I wouldn't be surprised if Emilio is still alive and stays hidden for a few episodes but then emerges to help take Rose down. The cement hadn't hardened and he might have just been staying under until she left.

What about Jasmine? The only role she had was to be the saint wife for Crosby and be pregnant again in the last montage. She just stagnated after the first few seasons. Also, I thought it was odd that in order to show Crosby had made the Luncheonette successful, they completely revamped the sound booth to look like