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    It sounds like Trump has been catching up on his Game of Thrones, I look forward to this new era of scripted television President Trump.

    Just a point of Fact, i watched the episode on replay and I couldn't see Tyrion on the beach, so I think he just went along with the Dothraki on the ships.

    Things I'm Looking forward to…
    -Sandor bumping into Arya
    -Arya Getting to Winterfell
    -Whatever Sandor says/does when he sees Brienne
    -Davos letting Danaerys about Melisandre's Shireen shishkebab
    -Sandor meets up with Sansa
    -Littlefinger gets what's coming to him

    I think that a competent version of Jerry would actually be able to point out all the flaws, whilst being able to avoid getting involved in "high concept sci-fi rigmarole," he has a desperate need for inclusion and admiration, that undermines his being considered the straight man

    I think that it makes sense that it would be Superman that would go full on Generalissimo, People saying that Batman makes is more likely is just looking at him superficially, yeah he's violent, but he his practically the only one in the Justice League who couldn't flatten you into a paste on a whim.
    Batman is a Moral

    Yeah but while the theocratic aspects might reduce some of the scientific aspects of fertility, they have the broad strokes - identify the fertile and force them to breed. The second part is the most important I think in comparison as while it's supposedly better in terms of human rights, they're clearly facing

    Has anyone noticed how often this show passes the Bechdel Test? Ironically in circumstances entirely defined by misogyny.

    Hands down the funniest joke this season is Pam's ongoing fantasy of the chinese sister wives.

    Yeah but Bionic Barry has always been kind of playing with them, Cyborg Dutch genuinely seems like he'll rip them all apart for literally no reason.

    Steve Bannon looks like he just lost a fistfight with liver failure.

    Did anyone notice that one of Barry's Henchman was Kenny Loggins' Bodyguard, anyone know who the other one was?

    "He lived a long full life…. Well for a heroin addict"
    R.I.P Woodhouse.

    The rebels are so lucky that Tarkin wanted the leaders alive to make an example of, Thrawn fought literally the entire battle with kid gloves on because of that. They wouldn't have been screwed if he had actually tried to kill them. Really convenient.

    I think that Maul has always been somehing of a broken character even before Phantom Menace, Palpatine only ever intended him as a weapon, unlike practically every other Sith of the time Maul never had a public persona, so he was never intended as a successor. He has nothing and nobody, his only goals have been to

    Actually there's a lot of confusion about Ivar historically from the Viking Sagas, there almost definately was something wrong with him, either he had crippled legs or brittle bone syndrome or something, but yeah he was one of the greatest Vikings of the age

    Maybe Ragnar just doubts that Magnus is his, after all it's a known fact that Kwenthrith had other lovers (like a lot). So what are the chances that Magnus was Ragnar's even if they did have sex. Besides Magnus always did seem suspiciously like he was made up to protect Kwenthrith from the other Saxon Kingdoms.

    Not with Aslaug around as the de facto queen, Vikings were all about who was the strongest with the most men, so Aslaug could prbably sway it around to any of her sons

    Torvi siding with Lagertha makes sense considering she's with Bjorn, Lagertha taking over means that Bjorn her son and Torvi's husband?/man, will be next in line, meaning Torvi and her kids move up as well. Also it makes sense to have a stronger leader like Bjorn for the people, he's Ragnar's son and an established

    This was the dumbest laziest episode of a sci-fi show I have ever seen, they just blow past everything about why they chose these people, I guess they might come up with some conspiracy or fate bullshit later, nut this just seemed half done. Also plot holes, if Flynn had worn a ski mask in the raid on the lab they

    Yeah those are TIE defenders, they were in legends, and got reintroduced recently through the battlefront game. In legends they were mainly for fighter aces and were formed up into dedicated elite squadrons, but weren't common through the fleet.