
Why is no one talking about the real issue here which is: OMFG WTF is the author talking about these paintings are god awful and Jim Carrey needs to make it stop right now.

It's difficult to feel any sympathy for S&S in this situation.

Ah grazie preggo bella!

Is this a Scientology propaganda film or is it critical of it?

I'm sad to hear that she is leaving. I feel like the female members of the cast are way stronger than the males and I think she will be missed.

These are all plausible explanations. Thank you!

In X-Men days of Future past Charles Xavier is injecting himself with some kind of drug that suppresses his mutant gene so why would they not be doing the same thing now that he has dementia and hurting people?

I agree completely, it's so idiotic it's making this part of the show unwatchable for me.

Which episode was that in? I think I missed it.

Scharpling > Fogelnest

I think ten + years of doing really great work is enough for them to already be in the legendary category.

I'm not saying he is the reason why everyone hates white people, but he sure isn't helping.