
Clear your weekend because once you get started you're not going to want to stop.

The first season was brimming with humanity and this season is overflowing with parody. It's like they jumped over a whale shark. Sure Noah may have been dislikeable, but his insecurities and obsessions made him real and compelling.

It's gone into pure soap mode.

What happened to Juliette?????

No need for me to comment, just co-sign your post until after the holidays!

I don't and I am frustrated because Strand is my favorite character!

They like the show and love working on it. Apparently everyone from the top down are cool and gets along well and are tight.

Interesting but my friends work on the show. The season schedules are locked and published in advance. When the debates were announced in August they made the adjustment because they understood that all eyes would be on the debate and since the first debate drew 80 million eyes they did the smart thing. No

The reason why two EP's were combined was we have a Presidential Debate on Sunday the 9th.

The sex wasn't rough it looked crappy. After not seeing Alison for six weeks, her sharing her issues with sex and her need to refrain there were viewers who thought Noah would verbalize his desire not recreate the situations she was complaining about - that's why I think we're talking about it. The irony is she

True but here we don't have the benefit of Alison's perspective this time and one thing on this show is that you can;t assume what that may be.

Yes he did his time but we don't need to celebrate a rapist that's what's wrong with this country. He put a gun to this woman's head and she was assaulted by multiple i and she was hospitalized. He's done nothing to show that he has any remorse for what he's done. It's important for women to know so that they can

You do know Mystikal did hard time in LA for sexual battery. #nobueno

FYI Mystikal was convicted of sexual battery with a gun and was in jail for six years. While everybody is attacking the women who are talking about Bill Cosby for not coming forward. The victim in Mystikal's case did the right thing and reported the crime. Having him on the show diminished seriousness of the crime