
Funny you mentioned the bridge. Mom still talks about that, scared her to death going across it. It was new at the time they were up there. Dad was stationed at Kincheloe AFB, then TDY'd at K.I. Sawyer while they rebuilt the runways at Kincheloe for the B-52s, then back to Kincheloe. Dad was a pilot in the 438

Are you a yooper by chance?

Interesting! I learn something new every day.

Thanks for the tip!

Seeing that ducks in general are better flyers than chickens, you have to do some pretty good wing clipping, right?

You know, I've never had a duck egg. Never knew anyone that raised ducks. I take it you're talking about farm-raised ducks, and not raiding some poor mama Mallard's nest, right?

I have no doubt you're correct.

I'm guessing your English teacher had the same sentiment about you!

The wild ones survive because they have nothing in common with the white turkeys.

The lack of webbing on a chicken's feet probably has something to do with that…compared to a duck.

" We have no time for bullshit."

Can you grow rice and carrots in the same paddy, Sage?

"Glyphosate (sprayed on Roundup Ready crops) has taken a multitude of
lives, both directly in Sri Lanka and El Salvador with the spraying
resulting in acute kidney failure by some complication, as well as
probably in the course of being ingested by most people on the planet
and probably affecting the balance of the