
Here's something I never thought I'd type: I agree with the singer of Slipknot.

How is Jeremy Miller not competing with (or even against) his fellow “Growing Pains” sibling Tracey Gold? Seems like a missed opportunity there.

I actually thought this headline was a joke, until I realized even the A.V. Club wouldn’t stoop so low to joke about a sexual assault case. Anyway, if Cosby’s defense was only 6 minutes, it stands to reason the jury will reach its decision in 1.

Up until this time, I actually thought it WAS pronounced "FUN-derdome." That IS a stupid name. It's like when I always think the show is called "Downtown Abbey" instead of "Downton Abbey."

Hey, it worked for "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

Definitely the first "Star Wars" for me, since I was only a few weeks old at the time.

I read the article, and that was enough. Here is a sample: “I’ve seen Anna go through multiple pregnancies, as well as literally give birth to all three of her children. I know what foods the kids like and don’t like, what cities her family vacations in, how their house is laid out, and what Jonathan orders at

"I'll be waiting a while for you to show me these videos of hours of dry cleaning. Nobody is watching that."
Which was my point. Did you read this article? That's what these YouTube videos mostly are. Forget it.

Okay, Trump. I’ll send you two videos to watch: one is an award-winning, sharply written comedy show that has become a cult classic, and the other is endless hours of me picking up my dry cleaning. You decide what is worth your time.


A.V. Club, why do you keep posting articles about a website I used to write for? If I knew you liked them that much, I would've kept writing for them!

What is the sun? Didn't They Might Be Giants already answer this question?

I suppose I should answer this question since not only was I born on “Star Wars” Day (“May the fourth be with you”), but it was also the same month and year that the first movie was released. (Yes, Nick Wanserski, “Happy 40th anniversary” to us, as I’m exactly 2 weeks older than you.) It was weird seeing my birthday

As someone who helped bring back “MST3K” and really wants to binge-watch all the new episodes but has still only gotten through half of them in almost 2 months, I don’t see how anyone could possibly have this much time on their hands to watch a YouTube stranger’s daily life. I find this article incredibly fascinating

Is "Tom Gun" a working title for the sequel or just a typo?

Not really. I realize this won't be a popular opinion around these parts, but when it comes to Radiohead, imo, it's the first four albums or GTFO.

So. Much. "Winning."

I shouldn’t rag on Baltimore since I used to live there for 7 years. Also, by sheer coincidence, I’m traveling there tonight for a friends reunion after not visiting in over 5 years.

Nope. My friend (with her brother, his friend/her boyfriend, and my friend from New York) drove me there and back. Mike is quite a popular name. But I have walked home early in the morning through sketchy parts of Baltimore before. Then again, what part of Baltimore isn't sketchy? Hey-ooo!!