
Shawnee's delivery of "Isn't it exciting? Yay." killed me more than anything else in the entire episode.

my only thought that could explain not wanting to take the mask off was that she wasn't beat underneath it and she didn't want her potential final moment on the runway to be a half-beat face. But still, that was the one true mistake that stands as a real reason for her to be sent home over Alexis.

Valentina is way too smart of a queen for me to believe for one second that she didn't know the words to the lip sync. In the confessional she was so shaken by the whole thing, and after such an unprecedented, heated moment with Ru, I bet you she finally broke and her nerves took over. She said her mind went blank.

Total throwback to how heartbreaking her face was at the end of Home Birth… this episode didn't move me as much, but that look on her face almost triggered some tears!

It was for the role- he had to smoke for the play.

That's true… I don't wanna read too deeply into the little we have of his character but I don't know any verse guys that power-bottomy!! Lol. Time will tell though, I'm sure this won't be the last we see.

Anyone else surprised Dill was a bottom? Also the sex scenes this episode seemed to be the most graphic the show's ever done- particularly Jessa and Adam's, maybe because of how intimately and uniquely awful it was.