Sean Wilkinson

I hated this cheese-ball kidcom with an unholy passion, but my mom loved it. Like "Family Affair", "The Brady Bunch", "Full House", et.al., she adored programs featuring precocious, pigtailed, doll-like moppets in the most foo-foo of dresses. Such exquisite pain…

I hated this cheese-ball kidcom with an unholy passion, but my mom loved it. Like "Family Affair", "The Brady Bunch", "Full House", et.al., she adored programs featuring precocious, pigtailed, doll-like moppets in the most foo-foo of dresses. Such exquisite pain…

I've said it a hundred times already, but I can't help myself - I wish I could stroke its nubbly, nubbly surface and run a finger between its teeth. It would feel fascinating.

"Tooth Guy" could always just stand on the carriage of an automatic car wash. Five minutes and presto - sparkling clean, fresh, and with a protective UVA/UVB blocker coating to boot!