
This episode was so weird to me. The whole aliens thing had me confused and yawning by the end. Probably because the first time I saw it, I hadn't bothered to catch part 1 on The Flash, so I had very little context. Props to Amell for selling it, though — he has come so far since season 1. As a 100th episode I thought

This is a couple of years old now and I am passing through here on a rewatch. Ollie should have fought Ra's unarmed! I would have loved to see a more skilled and even fight between them. Opportunity lost. Oh well.

Oh, I agree, he's fun. But the Godfather thing started setting in too heavily towards the end and I couldn't unsee it.

I must be a stone cold bitch, because I laughed so much at this episode. The wig and fake beard in the bag from Anatoli just killed me. As did Dolph Lundgren's continuous descent into a bad impression of Marlon Brando/Don Corleone.
That being said, I did enjoy the finale — and the phone call between Oliver and Moira,

Violence begets violence. That is the ugly truth and I liked how they let it all hang out this time without Felicity or Dig making so many speeches from their moral high ground. I might not agree with some of the writers' choices but this ep was still solid work from everybody involved. At least in comparison to the

Well, then I guess I would find the book grating too.
I didn't buy the connection between the characters, and it came across to me as a boring excuse for sexy time.

I wanted to like this, but alas. The first episode was grating. To me, Pine's distress over Sophie would've had a bigger impact had they not slept together. How utterly boring to let Hiddles (and his female costars) fall back on sex appeal.

Un Chien Andalou.

My sister once rented a movie called "The Never Ending Story" when we were kids. I'm not sure why, but the title scared me so much. To this day I've never seen it.
I was also scared of our old alarm clock that would play Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" on a loop. It would literally make me shiver and cower in the corner.

Watching season 1 right now and was surprised to feel some energy from Jamie Dornan. He was so hollow in Fifty Shades. If he took more work like The Fall he'd improve a lot.

Sam is in his mid-thirties?! Never would have guessed.

Pretty late boarding this train here but I have just seen the episode. Dammit — Geillis felt like an annoying, throwaway character to me all season long until she said "1968" and instantly became interesting. Y u burn her.


"…the fact that we're all socialized to see these things as 'normal' for men prevents other characters (and maybe some viewers) from seeing what's wrong."

Michael/Brett needs to rock that blue sweater in every episode.

Loved the music at Zaz's memorial. And Jane catching herself getting carried away in the dance with Rafael was so great.

The flashback scene of Rafael at the therapist's office made me sad. I've used that same shitty excuse and shut the door in good people's faces because I told myself it was wrong to drag them down with me. You get to such a dark place that the only thought left is how to reduce collateral damage rather than how to

Very true. Someone else (here? I can't remember where I saw it) mentioned that Rachel might've learned German from business language course tapes, which I thought was a great observation. Sounds like something she would do.

You guys are killing me with this conversation. This is just too good. Carry on.

The first part was dragged out a little too much like she was counting her words. But otherwise very good effort.