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    It would have been extremely easy for them to manipulate the results of the blood (vial) test. And since the case depended on it…it is certainly possible.

    The weirdest thing of all to me…was early in the investigation the brother said "the grieving process could takes days…months… or even years…" And at that point (I believe) she was still just "missing". Her remains had not been found. Her car had not been found. In addition, what makes him suspect to me is that he

    Great points. The so called evidence that convicted him stinks. This new "evidence" is weak…hearsay…and speculative. This entire case reeks!!!!!

    You take the time to post comments on message boards…where people are talking about a tv show they watched that you think is a waste of time. I'd say that's beyond pathetic!

    This is not a case where a tin foil hat is needed. They didn't cherry pick. The evidence used to convict Avery..her remains on the property, the car on the property, her last known whereabouts at the Avery's, and Brendans testimony..something is rather amiss with all of it. The stuff listed here is clearly

    I agree with much of what you said. A few points….Steven said that he and some friends were sitting around the campfire and they were egging him on to throw the cat. If could have been he thought he would toss it over the fire…he said "and it lit up" almost like it wasn't fully his intent. He also said "I was young

    Exactly…he was so meticulous in cleaning the house and garage that zero trace of her DNA was found. Yet he leaves her bones in his backyard and leaves her car right on his property. Yep..makes a ton of sense…

    Her brother made what I felt was a creepy statement near the beginning of the investigation. Something like "the grieving may take days….month…even years" This was before her remains had been found. At that point she was a missing person. Her car had not been found. I also found it disturbing he had accessed her

    Right…impossible…cops are so pure and perfect they would never try to frame someone who is suing them….utterly insane. Haha. I could say it is "beyond belief" that you are so dumb as to place cops in an "exempt" status from wrongdoing. They had his blood and they had a strong motive to frame him.

    YES…the fact that they had a motive to frame Steven should not be ignored. And Steven was in a good place in his life…awaiting his girlfriend Jodi's release for her DUI and he wanted to get married when she got out. He was in a good place in his life and had no motive. Also…Steven's dad said…"we all knew the gal was

    This is all very weak "evidence"…hearsay…speculation…and so on. The sex toys/hand cuffs were apparently pink, and Brendan never indicated they were pink though he was asked about their color repeatedly (apparently).

    Agreed….furthermore re Teresa…her ex boyfriend figured out her voicemail password? It was her sisters' birthdays apparently. The video of Teresa where she says: "if I die before I'm 31…" I thought was odd.

    This new "evidence" isn't very convincing. I read she had been out to the Avery property14 or 15 times. I too like to get the same person I am familiar with and know they do a good job (for example)…What's the point of using *67 only 2 out of 3 times?

    It is just that it is completely illogical that he would be meticulously clean his house and or garage, to insure not a single trace of her DNA in either location……and then leave her bones in his backyard, and leave her car on his property. See how that doesn't add up?

    What do you mean "the guy is clearly a huge creep"? What is your evidence of that?