Michael Lively

This helps explain why Netflix flushed their ratings system and comments section when things went south for Leather. Had to protect that bad investment!

pick up your shit, Todd!

Ah, River's Edge….
“I loved that girl. Then I killed her.”
“Hey, I killed my girlfriend too.”
“Did you LOVE her?”
“She was alright…”

"I have the weirdest boner…"

Anybody following Pacific 201 on youtubez? More crowdfunded ST prequel stuff, but the best FX,and sets I've seen. Great world building too. But they finally release an actual scene - with actors - and… yep, it's pretty bad.

I know it's an odd thing to fixate on when there is SO MUCH wrong, but it's the ill-fitting uniforms that bug me the most.

"All we ask is that you respect canon - AS MUCH AS WE DO." (Pulls down pants, urinates on canon.)

"I'm gettin' too old for this Romanoff shit!"

Nobody else did either. I had a few bills registered. Two weeks later, it would show up at a truck stop 30 MILES AWAY!! Then… nothing

oh, NOW it doesn't make a lick of sense!

The only Dave worth watching in the last however-many years is when he is shooting the shit with a Steve Martin or Bill Murray. Otherwise, he doesn't give a damn, so why should I?

"Ha ha.. Romanoffs, sure. Wait, THAT's your idea?"

I hope your blind faith is rewarded. I'm not sure…

I was just wondering that myself. They may have invented it, but Walking Dead perfected the art form of "totally phoning it in except for the 1st, 8th, 9th and 16th episodes each year."

"Shake things up" seems to be the only idea anybody in this production has had. And by shake things up, I mean "fuck them up real good."

Outside of the drinking buddies, everybody on this show sucks. And Erinn was hardly the worst offender.

Yep. Between seasons, too. I think this was the divide between All in the Family and Archie Bunker's Place, which was terrible.

OK, I tried to get into First Day, but I couldn't get past Showalter and his intentionally shitty 45-playing-17, beer gutted, bad-wigged self. Just too wink-wink and meta for me. Should I try again, or not?

Yes, I know two wrongs make a right. But I was referring to the fact that, right or wrong, confirmed or unconfirmed, true or false… what remains constant is AVCs smug condescension.

Rest assured, those goalposts are constantly on the move, as well.