
Can he be smarter than the guys writing this scant, terrible dialogue? I hope they let others write the rest, or we're all going to VERY disappointed.

I don't know what you're watching but what channel is it because this show now sucks. Thank you!

I really don't see how it deserves anything like a B-, and sorry to see it go to shit. I couldn't even finish watching, quit halfway through.

You seem prone to being a dick, for no reason, whatsoever. Move along…

I burst into tears when he told Floki he loved him, I burst into tears when he embraced Athelstan's son & I burst into tears when he apologized to Aslaug & thanked her for taking care of their children. The man is GOOD, and deserves some manner of recognition.

Cutting right to the chase, this show sucks, what a waste of time. Moving along…

I'm reading "Most Blessed of The Patriarchs", about Thomas Jefferson, by Annette Gordon-Reed and some boring dude. She also wrote "The Hemingses of Monticello". Highly recommend, and you need NOT be a history buff.

I cannot possibly get high enough to watch that shit.

That boy never stood a chance, with so many psychos pulling him apart. I'm surprised he didn't off himself sooner.

Thank you for saying it. I love it.

I am also uncomfortable with the children being depicted as being privy to the adult goings-on, and I dread those kids in Wessex being aged to ALSO witness their various parents fornicating like rabbits and murdering others in cold blood. At least they didn't have Kwenthrith drag Magnus along for the bloodletting that

This character made no sense, so I'm glad she's gone, but I'm not buying Ragnar would murder her in cold blood. Whatever impact Hirst was going for with this turn was lost on me.

Only two to go, right? We can make it…but I swear, if this season ends as unfulfilling as LAST season, I will be done with it forevermore.

Apparently, you have never seen the 'oral' scene from "Outlander". Oh, MY….

Idk, he seemed surprised she wants to drag some orphan along with them, into new married life. Doesn't bode well for Edith's happiness, IMO.

Edith might be getting set up for ultimate heartache. Could he reject her if she tells him the kid is secretly hers?

Some people have NO vision. Sounds delightful.

Sucks when it is SO bloody obvious.

What YOU said, & I'm DONE with this show.

I would go bigger and blame the broken justice system in general in this country. Hard to think about, but there are no doubt similar stories of people sitting in prison for life on very sketchy evidence, all over this country. We all know the stories of death row exonerations. Lucky for Avery (!), he isn't facing