Mike Diamond

I've read the final two, all three House books and all three Butlerian Jihad books.
If you haven't read the final two, don't! They are the worst of all of them. You guessed the outcome earlier, Duncan becomes prescient, can move like Teg, and also through all of his lives and experiences gains pretty much "all" Other

Which prequels are the few that you have read? Have you read the Bulterian Jihad trilogy? Because in those books your example of rule by AI is exactly what started the cascade to sentient robots, but not the Butlerian Jihad. "Some" programmers became disillusioned with how lazy and reliant on machines, humans

I have no problem with your aversion to the other books, a few of my friends have the exact same view, and we have spent a lot drunken nights arguing and debating those sentiments (what can say we're fucking nerds).

I'm not going to convince you, you're not going to convince me. You are obviously well versed in the Dune universe and as passionate about it as myself, I can honestly say that reading these books awakened something in myself. Me, I haven't touched one of the books in close to 10 years, so I'm not going to pretend

If you re-read my last reply I did acknowledge that its a reasonable position, and can see how people think that. Have you read the other books or simply dismissed them as "bullshit", because even though I totally agree they are pretty shitty as books, they still contain very important information and answers to many

Much that I agree that the other books are nothing compared to the scope of the original six books, they are in fact wholly dependent on Frank's notes, so to say that they have no value is a little bit off the mark. And if you are fully interested in Dune to that level, they really are must reads even if with the

No it's really not debatable if you've read the entirety of the series including the final book authored by Frank's son. And the Bene Gesserit at no point "accept" him as such. If you haven't read the entire series I would hate to spoil it for you by blurting out who is the Kwisatz Haderach.

I gave up reading this article when the author blatantly showed his ignorance of Dune as a whole when stating that, "Yes, Paul is the Kwisatz Haderach, …", no he is NOT the Kwisatz Haderach, finish the goddamn series, you're not even close!