★★★★☆ (four stars)

Wikipedia disagrees but you could be right!

His father is Indian, his mother is polish, he is an american, and you are a bit racist.

The show is one of the only things on TV my whole family can sit down and enjoy together. I really like it. great job and congrats on season 2!

no it just aired on the east coast.

sorry, let me rephrase "I think at this point 8-9 people is considered a big win at any major TV network. times are tough and ratings aren't what they used to be, so the joke is that a handful of people is a success for them. That sure is a funny joke I just made. Sure would be a shame if somebody decided to tell me

I do hope all symbol grading systems provide print text equivalents in parentheticals next to the grade, so I can understand them better.

At this point, I think messing would be best served as billy eichners personal sidekick on billy on the street.

I think at this point 8-9 people is considered a big win at NBC

"bad Judge" has to be a joke, right? like from one of the bumpers on scrubs? It cant be the real title of a real TV show that exists in a universe where community got cannceled.

Gonna borrow this for a thesis.

The world would be a better place if more things were like Monty Python.

As a film student, I watch a lot of films and see my fair share of cuts. You don't get used to it. Each director has their own individual style, but traditional cuts allow a moment for the previous scene to sink in as a new one develops. I don't think they will go away for a long, long time.

No, because then they have to throw a role to the ghost of his wife.

Three men and a screenplay

Aquaman was the top grossing blockbuster of all time, despite those rolling blackouts in california during its release weekend. I understand it would be hard to get vincent chase back, but it would be amazing to see.

This joke is not funny, I'm genuinely heated right now.

I definitely can feel them killing each other in the finale.

Perfect username for that comment

If I recall from my hours wasted on podcasts, he hung out at comedy shows a lot.

I can't wait for the case- perfect size to fit a pizza.