
I knew Mei was safe without question. I've known from episode one that she'd win the whole thing. Personally I never found any of her food appealing. She made the same, boring thing every week. Enough with the radishes already! But Tom clearly loves her and defends everything she does when the other judges dare to

The judges are really starting to grate on my nerves with their fluid rules. Melissa added walnuts to miso, Gregory added chicken and fish skin to his soup. How does that makes Gregory's choice safe and Melissa's innovative? Her dish was straightforward with one small addition. Mei and Melissa cook the same thing

I wasn't surprised that Gregory didn't go home. The judges liked Gregory's dish until the guest judge said his meat was slightly overcooked. Then all of a sudden the other judges piled on and claimed his dish wasn't good. The judges themselves don't seem like scholars, so it was almost funny to watch them pretend to

I don't get the Gregory hate? He's nice, talented and humble what's wrong with that? I don't find him boring at all. I'd rather have every contestant be like him instead of that piece of garbage Aaron. I hate fake drama, I just want to watch people cook. Gregory has cooked plenty of stuff without coconut milk, seems