
Actually…that is where they got it wrong, the characters have this weird concept of what equate's to being a genius, you better have five or six PHD's or be well versed in scientific knowledge or you are useless. H.R was a genius, just in the area they weren't expecting, he was a expect in people. He was a expert in

Yes, but even as a comic writer said to me once, that comics and movies/tv are really apples and oranges. they are very different. where you could have wally west being the flash for a long time in the comic. I doubt the same could hold true for the television version of that.

your talking about the comics though right?.

Yes the flash is in a rut now, one that the finale (as illogical as some of the leaps in it are, some you have pointed out, such as it taking hours for Savitar to vanish once they changed the timeline, yet he is instantly able to get new memories of Barry developing a cure for Caitlin) sort of fixed. The last few

do you mean because she was the first one who used it?. They all use it!..Moira uses it, Barry's mother uses it. I have counted about six or seven times across the arrowverse shows that they have used it..hell even other shows like this is us are using it!!.

Absolutely, 100% agree!. I actually liked the ending of Lost, but I purposely redirected away from the ending as that usually opens up a whole other can of worms. Actually the storylines that really made me fuming mad on Lost had nothing to do with the ending, such as introducing seemingly important characters: Ilana

Harry said it this season too "you can never trust a mime" so if Mime Wells is in it for the whole season, he double crosses them and then the season ends with Harry coming through the portal, blasting Mime Wells and saying "I told you!..never!!..trust a mime!!".

Yeah, if he is dead, I agree..Eobard spends a entire season running away from him and straight away, Killer Frost smashes him to pieces!..that just makes Legends seem stupid.

One was a winy bitch whom spouted speeches on morality and acted like she had seen Legally Blonde way too many times, the other doesn't give a dam on any of that crap and would probably piss on anyone whom spouted any of that nonsense…so yes I would say the differences are very noticeable.

Yeah, I've been saying this since she was first introduced. That she was there to restore the "status quo" when Caitlin went Killer Frost, and everyone said to me "there is no basis behind that assumption to assume that she is taking Caitlin's role!" and tada..here we are..the end of the season and Caitlin has gone to

Correction, that was black Siren..not Laurel, I actually like Siren.

Yeah, the thing that got me in this episode is it apparently takes hours for Barry/Savitar to fade into existence once they have changed time..but when they develop a cure for Caitlin, he gets those memories instantly!. (even though it makes no sense for him to get those memories in the first place since Barry has

Doubt it. The Flash is Barry's story. It is called "The Flash" after all, not: "That show with A Flash!".

I was really sad that they killed him off. He was by far my favourite Wells, he was just soo passionate, lovable and thoughtful!. Every other Wells before was a egotistical jerk. Yes Harry has hidden depths and is the "jerk with the heart of gold variety"..with H.R he was who he said he was, just a friendly guy whom

Oh absolutely!. When the writers just say "we just put that in there because we thought it would be cool!"..ugh!..not a good idea!..ESPECIALLY when they just spent all summer talking about season 4 being a lighter season than 3!…yeah sure because the foreshadowing of Death sure lightens the mood!..not!!.

Notice that they only have Superman in the premiere and finale's…they don't want us to remember him (which is too late, because even a minute of the Hoeclin version of Superman and we have already forgotten the Cavil "I'm just helping people..well..just ..umm..because!!" version!).

You got me..that is a good point.. the Flash used to be appointment television..now, I seem to be asking myself why I make time for it in the first place.

where were those?!…I can't remember any scene that explained or "supposedly" explained her motivations!. Her using her powers was pretty cool though so I'll give you that one.

at least Arrow didn't do the "who dies in the Flash Forward" plot this season..ugh!..that was horrible!..the only positive that came from it was Laurel being the one who died.

Caitlin replacement…the bubbly assistant.