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    wow, not only do I no longer need friends I don't need God either. Always watching over me, silently judging everything I do…

    Nothing says "king" quite like a fat bearded white guy in khakis.

    Fody killed my parents

    And Snowballs III through V, named II for convenience

    This is the funniest thing I've read all day

    Honestly, how did a horrible disease like Breast Cancer become such a huge marketing gimmick?

    Amen to that

    SHUT UUUUUP! Now where are my pizza rolls!?!!?

    So "The People's Couch" is MST3k for morons?

    I would love for something like this as long as it was done competently, and it doesn't look like that's gonna be the case…..

    I've actually read the novelization and thought it was pretty good. Better than the movie, at least.

    Why does Cruz always look like he's taking a dump? From his mouth?

    oh yeah, and also people who will not shut up about guns and/or gun control

    "Sudden Revulsion Syndrome" is a great name for it. One time I was hanging out with friends and one of them brought up Duck Dynasty(this was shortly following Phil's anti-gay remarks that was all over the media) and I just wanted to puke. Not only does the show make me want to vomit but I was just so f-ing sick of

    Don't forget the implication that Marin falls in love with Link and he's seemingly oblivious.