
Badass Felicity is definitely confirmed for season 4…and she was totally badass in this episode


How was she tolerable…I found her more annoying in this episode. She did a 180 and turned on Team Arrow against a former LOA member. All the good Nyssa did was save Sarah.
The only lesson to take away from Laurel this season is her desire to become her sister. Desperation to the max.

She didn't even eat it.

Laurel loves anything that ties her to sister. She likes her sisters spoils…Oliver the black canary now Nyssa. She needs more friends, where is that chic from s1

isn't speedy a heroine addict?

She only mentioned that he said that because that was the only time in court he said anything…so when Jay walked by Adnan said "You're Pathetic"…what I gathered from that was Adnan saying You're pathetic in the sense that you would stoop this low in framing me for a murder I didn't commit. He probably wanted to say

Adnan definitely has resentment towards Jay he just hasn't let that Anger consume him.

This is indeed Spot on. They seem to think Adnan had a motive to kill Hae because he was distraught over the break up, so we should all fear breaking up with people because we might end up dead and they might be arrested for the crime and go to prison for life

Thank You!!! Were they that bored that they had nothing to do but create this abismal podcast of a podcast

I've listened to your podcast and this is what I got from it….so I suggest you stop doing these podcasts because what's the point?