
I don't know, some of the details I've already heard are pretty grisly, like him sticking the wing-ding in the hu-ha.

He looks like that lawyer from The Simpsons.

I think it's nice that Alex Jones had something to take his mind off the first Father's Day since… well, you know.

They should bring her back and have a scene where she's fucking while Nancy has to wait outside.

You'd have to get rid of a bunch of shit. Furst's character being mean to the dark-skinned maid, a Hispanic guy who never speaks but rather admires his switchblade, at one point brandishing it threateningly, the "huge melons," Furst's character being fat-shamed by his father and girlfriend, etc…

It was a surprisingly chaste movie ('surprisingly' because its packaging led one to believe it was just another sex comedy of that era). Isn't a big plot point whether or not David Naughton's character will have the courage to finally hug his girlfriend?

Hmm, he was in more stuff than I thought.

And just like that all his debilitating health problems seem to've gone away.

If nothing else, we're moving perilously close to the plot of "Porky's 2: The Next Day."

That's been one of the more ironic things about this presidency: To Jones and others of his stripe, suddenly the government conspiracies they screamed about for years aren't happening, and it's those out of power who are perpetrating nefarious deeds.

Or invited to the White House (a la Ted Nugent).

During an Easter gathering Chuck Berry came up and I mentioned the bathroom tapes (Dylan's got the basement tapes, Berry's got the bathroom tapes). My brother became outraged and claimed that there's no way that was true because he would've heard about it… suddenly I was unsure of how the accusation went, and I sort

“I’ve got to get my psyche in tune [so] that I can still hold the ground—and I can be feisty, I can be fiery, I can be passionate,”

That headline alone…

I really consider Stephen King to be a national treasure, and his Twitter feed is just awesome. Apart from the political Tweets and promotional materials, his pics of his dog, Molly, do often make me smile.

I'm still waiting for Mel Gibson to apologize for advocating the crucifixion of Christ.

Eh, even if you did it I doubt many people could even tell it happened.

Does anyone else see the irony in that, not being able to say bad things about NAZIS is probably the most striking example of political correctness run amok we've ever experienced?

Over on CNN Cizilla made a good point: yes, there are the BIG Trump things to follow, but it's sometimes just little shit like this cabinet meeting that really give you the chills.

From what I've heard, as the Russia investigation advances, this guy's got some reasons to be nervous.