
“Getting drunk and fucking is definitely one of my favorite pastimes. I highly recommend it. It’s fun.”

Perhaps a strange contribution, but my most striking moment of pop culture this weekend was driving down the road and hearing Cat's in the Cradle and almost having something on par with an anxiety attack at the timeless sadness of that song… actually had to pull over.

I remember taking my mom to see "Munich" for her birthday. I'd heard that it featured a very weird sex scene, so I was naturally kind of apprehensive. Thing is, there's a scene early in when Eric Bana's having sex with his pregnant wife (I think they make a joke about "labor"), and I thought that that was the scene. I

*removes cigar from mouth, gestures at Dylan with it*

I wonder what people's thoughts are on whether Megyn Kelly should've come forward earlier (like, years earlier) with her sexual harassment allegations against Roger Ailes. I heard her interview on Fresh Air in which she defended her decision not to. She did make some good points and left me recognizing that it's

Something I've never understood about the concept behind these types of memoirs: why would I want to read about someone else getting laid? What is the reader supposed to get out of people boasting about how much they've fucked? Are we supposed to cheer them on? Is the idea that we experience all the fucking

No one ever mentions the other Donna Tartt novel, "The Little Friend." It's a good read, and if you're bothered by her focus on East Coasters in the other novels, it's a good antidote to that (kind of an homage to her southern gothic childhood).

If the events of the last month have taught us anything (hell, the last 18 months, really), it's that most Americans will miss the shit out of Obama. The way he has comported himself is just the epitome of class and cool. He showed that knowing what you're doing is not a negative.

I constantly think of the line from that scene which is something to the effect of, "at which point the Americans—notorious as not to be fucked with in their automobiles—".

Beer trucks actually do overturn with some frequency not too far from my house. They're leaving the Coors plant, and have to take a sharp onramp to get onto I-70… and yes, the jokes are quite common.

Actually I think I remember hearing about the Meat Puppets fucking with them. The story I heard was something about, backstage at some show, the Reid bros. were arguing with Hope Sandoval, and the Meat Puppet bros. intervened. Supposedly there were words exchanged, but stopped short of fisticuffs.

If so, that would qualify as some of his lighter fare.

"Munki" was actually a really good album. It was 17 songs that were both varied and held together as a whole. I got the impression no one really paid any attention to it, because by that point no one was paying attention to J&MC.

I regard "All Summer Long" as a nail in the coffin of popular music. It's a manifesto of creative bankruptcy whose big revolutionary idea was 'Hey, you know what'd be better than ripping off an old song? Ripping off two old songs!' ASL was basically the musical equivalent of a dog eating its own feces.

As much as indulging in this kind of schadenfreude may make us feel better for a moment, it still misses the greater point: while some Trump voters may have buyer's remorse, there are infinitely more who are just as happy now as they were on Nov. 9. Ties to white supremacists in the White House? It's about time. Mariju

"Mummy's drunk… and loves to fuck!"

Minority Report is an overlooked pretty-good movie. Watching it currently I'm struck by how spot-on many of the predictions were.

In the 2012 primary he was the only one who never achieved that coveted yet fleeting 2nd-behind-Romney! status.

I've encountered that argument too, and it's really strange to me. E.g., the day after the election, my boss revealed that he voted for Trump. This is a man I respect and consider reasonably intelligent. He gave a few justifications for voting Trump, but he also said something to the effect of, "I mean, as far as the

Excellent point. If you follow the we-need-to-give-both-sides-consideration-no-matter-the-argument school of thought too far, eventually we'll be debating, I don't know, whether jews are really people, something outlandish like that.