
This may seem trivial, but something I find distracting in "Scream" is how the town looks like a really nice place to live.

Have no idea if the movie addresses this (and after reading this review, I'm not even gonna find out), but

I feel the same way, but literary prestige just doesn't factor into Hollywood decisions, i.e., to those who green-lighted a movie adaptation of "American Pastoral," there probably wasn't any more a sense of responsibility than if they green-lighted some February romantic comedy…

To paraphrase another movie covered in the AV Club today, "You're getting too old for this shit!"

It's one of my favorite novels, and I had mixed feelings about a movie being made. But especially after reading this, it sounds horrible.

People overcomplicate this question. You wouldn't have to kill a baby Hitler; you could have the same effect just by ensuring that he would've been accepted at the Vienna art school where he applied.

Speaking of which, I f-ing weep to think of what the history books will say about this election.

Damn, that was great to read this and realize you weren't talking about the Seth Rogen movie. Countless times I've seen "Neighbors" listed, and thought, 'Holy shit, they're playing that weird, forgotten John Belushi movie!" Then my heart sinks when I see (2014).

The story behind the efforts to turn "Apt Pupil" into a movie is also interesting. I guess there were attempts from the time the book came out, but studios were skittish about the subject matter. At one time Ricky Schroeder was slated to play the boy.

My 2 cents re: the quality of The Sopranos: Season 1 and 2 are untouchable, some of the best stuff ever seen on TV. Season 3 it seemed to become more of a mainstream show, probably because there was the perception that the world was watching.

Yeah, I remember being 12 in 1986 and thinking that the chance of a full-scale nuclear war by '88 was probably greater than 50/50…

Only 4-light-years away?

"Homer's Enemy" aka the Frank Grimes episode.

The Broncos were really a national punchline for a while there… something that really sucked as a CO native.

Simpsons quotes, but it is political…

Can't lie, my weekend's free time was dominated by obsessively following the Trump debacle, from when it broke Friday afternoon to whatever happens tonight. If you're a political junkie, there was simply nothing more entertaining going on (although I did watch E4 of Stranger Things," as a mental palate cleanser).

It's also important to remember that this wasn't some 19-year-old guy trying to talk big to his buddies. Trump was 59 when this happened. Especially when you consider that, it's even more fucked up.

So many things have come out in the last few weeks that should've been his undoing, e.g.: investigative pieces about his shady dealings with foreign governments, business with Cuba, etc.

I tuned into some local talk shows to see what the hardcore Trump supporters had to say about this (local shows generally taking more callers than syndicated ones). Predictably, it was a mix of "all men talk like this" and deflections about all the allegedly horrible things the Clintons have done.

It was one song, and it was literally a quarter century ago.