
Even after he was murdered I never had many thoughts on Chris Kyle one way or the other. But it's since come out that the guy had major veracity issues (the Jesse Ventura thing is probably the most well-known example).

I'm glad someone else noticed this. I don't watch FOX News, but I'm a semi-frequent visitor to their website, and they're constant users of the headline-as-question trick.

Haven't read the review yet, so forgive me if this is mentioned, but… the Smokey the Bear interactive statue is one of the most clever wordplay bits I've ever seen on TV.

Something that bothered me about this:

Cut, cut!

"Oh come on Edna! The Children have to learn about the Nico album sooner or later!"

I wonder if it bothers RATM members that the vast majority of fans probably remember only the first album (there were three, plus a rarities collection). I think it's because much of the band's appeal was based on its fresh sound. Their self-titled debut was the kind of thing that caught on gradually, a real