Ian G.

I put in a hypothetical Ohio road trip from Cincinnati to Cleveland. Thumbs up for including The National in the Cincy section. Thumbs down for excluding Cloud Nothings from the Cleveland section.

It got one mention below, but it deserves another: "Decoration Day" by the Drive-By Truckers. The father beats him with a chain after he asks why they should even hate the Hills in the first place.


Guided by Voices. I'll also maybe put Paul Thomas Anderson in here, because I think he's wildly overrated, but I do like "Boogie Nights" and "There Will be Blood". I just thought "The Master" was overrated, and "Magnolia" sucks big time.

How could I have left Adam Sandler off my list of cultural dealbreakers last week? I'll admit to liking "Happy Gilmore", but anything after that…..

"Fix You" would be my hatesong if the AV Club ever asked me to do that feature.

Wesley Willis. Yes, yes, YES!

A lot of good answers here. I'd put Ayn Rand, Phish, Fox News, and The Boondock Saints on any list of my pop culture dealbreakers. It's not that they necessarily make me dismiss someone who professes love for them, it's just that I proceed with caution with any future pop culture discussions, because they're clearly

I feel like we should all fund it, given that it's inevitably a pointless exercise that will find its way to the top of the "Least Essential Albums" list in December, and we can all laugh at it then. Maybe we can convince him to allow Art Alexakis to lay down a vocal track on a song!

Nevermind and Ten, first two CDs I ever owned. Got them for Christmas 1992 along with a shiny new CD player.

If you've worn the hell out of "Ten" like I have over the past 2+ decades, try giving the Brendan O'Brien remix they released a few years back a listen. Gone is the hair metal reverb, and it sounds so much more crisp. You realize just great the bass line that drives "Jeremy" is.

I imagine a lot of us were naive 13-year-olds when the "Grunge Mt. Rushmore" bands were big, and thank god for that. 5 years earlier, and naive 13-year-old me would have been listening to Poison. 5 years later, and it would have been Limp Bizkit. At least I can look at what I was listening to 20 years ago without

The opening track, "Wake Up"…. Among the many songs in which Layne tells himself how he's wasted his life in heroin, that one gives me goosebumps the most.

"I have a question. Is this a god dam?"

another bizarre record, that's for sure, but one that has some great moments.

I will agree that "Black Hole Sun" and "Spoonman" are mediocre, but there's so much great stuff on that record, and on "Badmotorfinger". And I love the raw punk/metal of "Ultramega OK".

I guess Cornell's voice is a love-it-or-hate-it thing, and I happen to love it. That, and the weird time signatures and the strange sounds that Kim Thayil always managed to get out of his guitar are why I still love Soundgarden.

Amen. I remember playing some of "Jar of Flies" for my grandmother, who was a trained vocalist for whom the Rolling Stones were too "hard". She loved the harmonies on the record.

Thank you for taking me back to 8th grade for a moment.

"Dirt" and "Jar of Flies" are masterpieces. The last record was a disappointment. "Facelift" has its moments ("Sea of Sorrow" is fantastic".