Ian G.

Yup, I always thought it was Staley's voice, and not Eddie Vedder's, that most of the shitty nu metal bands were trying to imitate. Scott Stapp was really the only one trying to sound like Vedder.

Chernobyl happened in a capitalist country, right?

Sigh….you know, there are a lot of places in Latin America where they aren't following the American model, and democratic socialist governments have been improving peoples lives without the political prisons found in Cuba, but I suppose it would be too much for this dope to research what's going on in Uruguay,

Wait, what? There are people who don't like The Woods? That record is phenomenal.

Jimmy McNulty and Bunk Moreland.

For those wondering, the corner of Maspeth Ave. and Conselyea St. in Williamsburg looks exactly the same as it did on the "Separation Sunday" album cover.

Yes. I'd like to know what's actually at the Paul's Boutique corner these days. Probably an upscale frozen yogurt shop or a designer handbag boutique.

Followed by their second best song, "Loose".

If aliens ever landed on earth and wanted to know how to rock out, I would play "Fun House" for them.

Yeah, this (although Raw Power remains fantastic). 2 dudes are dead, and one is incapacitated. That leaves Iggy. The band is over. Let it rest in peace.

Well, there's always "Meddle" through "The Wall", that's pretty much my classic Pink Floyd discography right there.

On that note, how is this amalgamation of musicians any more The Stooges than it is Minutemen?

I detect a trend: Rain Dogs and Swordfishtrombones are really good. I agree wholeheartedly. And every time I listen to Rain Dogs and marvel at how good it is, I also hope that Tom gets to pay his mortgage with royalties from Rod freakin' Stewart.


I think just type "Port Authority Bus Terminal" into Google Maps for your "whores on 8th Ave." marker. And "Seaside Heights, NJ" for the Jersey location.

I'm actually disappointed in the markers for "Jersey Girl". One in the center of the state, instead of, say, Seaside Heights, despite the reference to going down the shore. Also, no marker on 8th Ave. for all the whores he don't want there?

I don't know which bone-white coal mining state has the more "WTF?" entry, WV with Matchbox 20, or KY with Fall Out Boy. Bill Monroe is spinning in his grave over the latter.

Between the anti-gay law sitting on Governor Brewer's desk and Linkin Park, Arizona has to be the most worthy of mockery of our 50 states right now.

Their viewing of "I'm Broken" is also a classic:

Oh man, another "Beavis and Butt-Head" memory extracted from the dark recesses of my brain. Rest in Peace, 50 is too damn young.