
That's the ironic thing, Steve never really wanted the spotlight. He never wanted attention for himself I guess beyond the basic human need. He never was looking to stand out. He wasn't meant to be the only super soldier, but then he was. One of the sad things about Steve's character, which his letter at the end of

Yes exactly. I can't believe that some people don't get that. A document like that should take MONTHS to come up with and more than that the Avengers would almost certainly be part of creating it, if this were truly a fair set of Accords. But this was clearly waiting for an excuse to be pulled out. The fact that

That wasn't the narrative of his movies, but whatever…

No he isn't. He's against the Accords as they are presented to him. That is the Oversight he's against. He's against being handed a huge documents they had NO part in creating. That isn't diplomacy. Maybe you didn't notice that the name of the Accords is "Framework for the registration and deployment of enhanced

How hasn't he shown that already? Cap doesn't work for the government anymore. He took down Shield, a government agency. Heck his very first "mission" back in the 40's was him disobeying orders to rescue a bunch of POW's he was told were not going to be rescued. I don't think anyone who has actually watched the

Fascism isn't about individualism, in fascism everything and every serves the state. So if heroes are "the ultimate individualists" it still doesn't make them fascists.

He was chosen for an experiment but they made it very clear that Erskine would only give it to a person who was a morally good person, hard working, self sacrificing and responsible without the serum. So Steve was only chosen because of who he ALREADY was. Without that he wouldn't have gotten a super soldier serum.

Has he never watched a Captain America movie? If he did he'd know Steve Rogers and Cap are pretty much the opposite of what he's talking about. Steve even only got an upgraded body because he was NOT what would normally be expected, - he was self sacrificing and didn't like bullies and understood to quote Uncle Ben

Clive Standen posted a set design drawing of the rafts attached to the front of the boats on his instagram a while ago and written on the top of the drawing was the description "Bridge busters". Paris didn't only have walls but it had a lot of bridges which would slow down the ships(they were actually built for that

Yes but there are ways to do things. No doubt Ragnar had good ideas, but that doesn't mean he was a that good of a king. They are not one and the same. Ragnar got them out of raiding the same old lands with Haraldson, but he wasn't actually that good at capitalizing on it.

Not me, Rollo's been looking good. He always had good fashion sense when he wasn't drunk in the gutter, nice to see he could finally go with that in Paris. :)

Prize fight of the 9th Century(or was it 10th, never know with Hirst's timeline. LOL) I was like after all that it comes down a boxing match? Maybe Floki should have just built a boxing ring and they could have saved a lot of time and effort and bloodshed. Not that I minded too much, I was actually glad they didn't

Rollo's intelligent, a good tactician, even inspiring. He got away from Ragnar and showed what he was truly capable of, which was pretty damn impressive. He even kinda sorta inspired a king to actually do stuff, Charles may still not go anywhere near a battlefield but he did get some spinal re-inforcment to kill off

Ragnar is kind of an idiot then, making things worse. Why not let Rollo be? Francia is not something Ragnar is ever going to get control of, not unless he really doesn't just how incredibly massive it is. So let Rollo set up in Francia, where he's far away from Ragnar's power center. I can't root for Ragnar, the

I liked Odo before they turned him into a 10th century Christian Grey. I mean I didn't like how he creeped around Gisla but I figured it was to expected for the times and I thought he'd make an interesting antagonistic yet patriotic figure, because he clearly was loyal to Paris. I even liked the way he and Rollo

Lots of forts have been made out of wood, believe it or not, it's generally not that simple to destroy, especially when they are in turn protected by hundreds of soldiers. Being in Francia means the Vikings are greatly outnumbered and unlike last time, they have a Viking who knows what he's doing on their side. I

Once Rollo and Gisla are gone, so am I.

LOL I'm not, I'm rooting for Rollo and so the Franks. He deserves some big wins, he was clearly not reaching his full potential under his brother's thumb. Not to mention the Franks, like the English, did nothing to deserve these attacks from the Vikings, and that's something I've always been aware of. They are

Ragnar killed the poor man who made it all the way from Wessex to tell him about the massacre in cold blood, the same way, he strangled him to death. This is entirely in character for Ragnar, even BEFORE Athelstan died. Ragnar was introduced in a sympathetic situation, married with young kids, coming up with a

Rollo didn't master it out of nowhere. At least 10 months have passed since the Feast of St Eulalia(the February 12th one) from the last episode and when the annulment papers arrived from Rome. Gisla's turn was not ridiculous. She's been attracted to him since their eyes met on the wall, she couldn't take her eyes