Chuck Sylvester

"but when you think the show will zig, it always zags." Turns out Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the one true television show of Twenty-Serpen-teen. Always zagging.

Haven't seen the episode yet (I know! Why am I reading a spoiler-filled review for something I haven't watched yet! It's because I suck) but I think an important point to note here is that the Senate has not been dissolved at this point in time. Rebels is currently taking place 2 years (I believe that's right) before

Delightfully fun episode that I honestly thought would get a lower score on here! I tend to agree with the reviewer that Sunny is at it's best when it gets really deep into the psyche of these demented people, but a good aside is always welcome in my book too.

It's quite possible that it's deceptive editing, but I feel like the way it's presented would almost be akin to lying? I wouldn't really be okay with that, personally. Are there any other instances of media presenting two events chronologically then pulling the rug out from under us and saying "Nah, we were fooling

Even then, the AI storyline didn't really take off until a while later. My details are a little hazy, it's been a while and I watch a lot of shows, but I feel as though it didn't become a straight up sci-fi show until at least Samaritan was introduced. And Person of Interest is a straightup goddamn masterpiece.

I feel as though Dolores meeting up with William and Logan kinda debunks that, though? She was getting attacked by those bandits after Teddy left to go fight Wyatt. She clearly remembers being attacked by the Man in Black, kills the bandit, then runs into William and Logan.