will AVClub.com have someone recapping "The AV Club" every week? lol
will AVClub.com have someone recapping "The AV Club" every week? lol
would you mind listing off the shows that will no longer get recaps? have you all made a final decision on what those shows are? I ask because there are some shows thats last season ended at the end of 2015 or too early this year for the recapper to know for sure if they would be writing about the next season
So where are we at in the books? So the reviewer says we are in the 2nd book, do you think this season will cover the entirety of the second book?
If you're saying this album is so great and there's only one bad song, when why give it a "B" and not an "A-"?
all i know about LCD Soundsystem is that it was the name of an amazing episode of the FX show "You're the Worst"
i agree with Robyn on "Jessica Jones." i think she's so annoying and there was never any real point for her in the season. i'm hoping she just disappears in s2. And while i don't necessarily hate Ann Perkins, i agree that the writers clearly didn't know what to do with the character when she's alone. like the baby…
i felt more connected to this writer more than i ever expected when he wrote his reaction to Raquels proposal!
if she leave this show, i leave this show
i don't think those Doctor Who things in your side bar are intentional from David or the creator of the show. I tend to think that too, but i think it might be because David Tennant is playing a British person (he is actually Scottish), and so his British accent is he exact accent he had on Doctor Who…and i think the…
Ok but, what about the Pixar short?
How was the Pixar short that came before the movie?
this was really helpful for me! i saw the end of his IFC achievement award show and came to the realization that i have only seen the most popular SNL sketches of his and the bad Steve Martin movies. When i was younger i was familiar with Steve Martin as the Pink Panther, as the guy from Cheaper by the Dozen, Bringing…
You forgot the greatest scene of all… Jerrys fart attack on Parks and Rec
I'm not gonna lie I almost started to tear up just reading this. Such a beautiful article about a beautiful movie. A few days ago my cousin told me she and her 4 younger sisters all hated Inside Out and I have had a little ball of anger in me since. But this article just help reaffirm to me why this film is so…
Can we talk about how Billy Riggins was on the same show with Tyra Colette again but were in different timelines
i think all of the ideas are valid and should happen. however, if this happens, the awards show will go from 3hrs to like 4 and a half hours. the awards show would have to expand to a larger venue as well
I'm pretty sure Charlie and the Waitress kiss in the "The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore" and maybe one other time in a fantasy sequence
OH MY GOD THAT KISS! seriously i have always thought that Charlie and Dee had the best stories together, they just work so well, they really have the best chemistry and i was thrilled to see them hang out and get a long. but i did NOT expect them to kiss and i did NOT like it. it was sexy and they definitely have…
still nothing on the Matt Smith role?
just out of fan loyalty, ill probably see this movie for Smith. just like how im only seeing Jurassic World (aka Bert Macklin vs dinosaurs) because of Chris Pratt
One of my favorite scenes was when "Johnathan Karate" teepeed Feinsteins office and he was leaving with the kids but realized hes missing one. its all just so cute and adorable and hilarious when Andy realizes he was the missing kids buddy
I've been reading reviews of certain Sundance movies from this website and also Variety. I'm noticing that every review I read from Variety (the Jason Segal movie and Sleeping with Other People) has the exact opposite reactions as the ones on AV Club.
I will be trying to memorize Leslie's improvised song until the end of my days