John Smith

I like this idea for providing a place for discussion and a few story notes for most popular shows. Keep it up!

Because he's unstable on top of often masking his "human" side. And it's a comedy show and that shit was hilarious.

Exactly. I knew if I read the comments long enough someone would have already made this argument. Rick rarely ever acts for 1 reason alone. He has many motivations, some actually out of caring for people other than himself.

It's one of the most watched shows on television, so yeah.


Yay for new Adventure Time reviews.

Didn't think i'd like the new Ghost Rider, but seeing his face melt off into a skull was well done. That, and him turning the Penance Stare on Sky sealed the deal.

Thanks. I thought it was that episode, but I also thought he used them after that point.

I actually agree with the reviewer that the pacing seemed a bit rushed. Cutting a bit would have added a lot in this instance.

Thanks for this.

Yeah, his voice seemed off to me as well. Glad I wasn't crazy to notice it.

No boobs, so yeah. Must be a kids show.

I came to this site due to the AT reviews. I guess i'll stay for the Steven Universe reviews, but I am surprised they are cutting coverage for something that seems pretty damned popular.

I love AV Club comment sections. You guys are great.

Dude seemed like a prick. I don't get the hate.

People sure do like to jump down this reviewer's throat.

I think not making any of the characters adhere to traditional beauty standards was intentional. I thought the same thing as you when I first saw the show.

That sounds like something Tina would say.

I think the show had enough promise to warrant a second season. I imagine they'll build on the premises established to build a stronger, funnier season 2.