Nah, her attitude toward Catherine began transitioning from near indifference to something more like contempt when Catherine inherited the bulk of the family estate, which effectively made Selina dependent upon her.
Nah, her attitude toward Catherine began transitioning from near indifference to something more like contempt when Catherine inherited the bulk of the family estate, which effectively made Selina dependent upon her.
Judging by the comments, it would seem this show failed utterly as a documentary of federal processes. Maybe they can bring in Errol Morris next season.
I don't think you have to like kids to get pregnant.
"There’s warmth and history in the mentions of Judge’s laundry list of ex-lovers (“new Bobby” being a particular favorite)…"
Old Rasputin's fine, but it seems a waste that Gilfoyle habitually drinks it from the bottle.
Amy's really being sidelined this season. More plot points for the "beefy blonde!"
Selina blames Jonah for ruining her chances at the presidency because (as Amy mentioned last season with regard to the prospect of a Tom James presidency) Montez, having come in as a congressionally appointed replacement rather than via popular election, will have the option of running for two more terms rather than…
I'm not convinced Big Head's aware that he was being used by Gavin when he kept getting promoted. Seems more like he found it puzzling but hey, it's a crazy world.
So the "middle-aged" and the "old" are not adults?
Useless fact: TR was the youngest to serve as president; JFK was the youngest to be elected president.
I wonder if the Hannah Horvath/Kenny Powers difference has something to do with the fact that Dunham's a public presence who comments on public issues from a feminist, progressive perspective, while (so far as I've noticed) Danny McBride doesn't hold forth on public issues via Twitter, etc.
The white people are the reason it's so racist up here.
If the Nevada setback was enough to make her bawl in public on its own, why hasn't she had a similar reaction to the larger setbacks of the past, such as the election results at the end of last season? I assumed the news from Nevada was the trigger that got her crying about her mother as well as her own electoral…
I know that this article was written fourteen (!) years ago, but nonetheless I can't stop myself from commenting on the author's confusion: Loney and Jordan didn't play "American music in the style of British imitators like the Beatles and Stones." Rather, when Loney was in the band they were hopped up on 50s…
I think you're overstating things here. They moral horror you suggest (at sex or birth out of wedlock, at homosexuality) is very much part of what they used to call "middle-class morality," and they called it that for a reason. The middle classes have always been far more moralistic than those above or below them in…
How much did you have to grease these films before you were able to shoehorn them into your conceptual boxes? It's an interesting enough conceit for an article but without a few hits off the Dude's doob it doesn't make much sense. Neat movies, though!
Is Fellowes trying to make a point about American obesity by having had Tom Branson come back from Boston as Fat Branson?
I think the show's trajectory is a bit too dark this season to assume we're supposed to be applauding Lucy.
"Thanks but I like you as a friend" isn't a very late-Victorian thing to say, since the culture was still largely homosocial. Men and women didn't really pal around with each other.
This comedy is more moving than any other show I ever see, and an object lesson on the similarity between laughing and crying.