
There are a few things I had hoped would happen but I liked what they did and doing a recap on every character would have dragged on like the interminable ending to Lord of The Rings. I wished they had done more with Kira & Charlotte's special situation but I really wanted to see Helena get back with her boyfriend

I have been somewhat intrigued until now. I feel like were in mid shark jump. Too many characters have been turned on their heads and it all feels mechanical and manipulative. I may give it one more shot to see if it has something to offer but I'm essentially on my way out.

Trying to connect some potential dots: Cosima wants to find the Ledas to provide them with the cure. Krystal has a website with 50,000 viewers, Felix's paintings will soon be known to a separate group of art lovers. That could produce a kind of cross referencing where Ledas will suddenly come to see their faces

One of my pet peeves is when characters keep too much information to themselves when they need to cooperate so I was just fine with the exposition. I loved the Frankenstein-like vibe of the villagers with torches turning on the mad scientist. Krystal steals the show again. I get that they can only fit so much story

It had only been a few minutes. They attacked what they knew that was now a symbol of betrayal. They'll get around to storming the castle.

I am enjoying the season. I am up to this episode. I like that everyone is dealing with things very differently. I like that the writers are taking chances and that always means some will succeed more than others. I agree the trial was weak but it was short and amusing in any case. I'm sure some story lines are only

I still enjoy the show for the most part but this season, except for the villians, the utter incompetence and stupidity of all the men, especially the cops, is beyond my ability to suspend disbelief. In general, too many characters are too dumb or incompetent too often.

Who is the target audience? The story seems interesting so far and is visually compelling but the absurd and excessive gore seems geared toward adolescent boys, The language is unnecessarily vulgar. It's not the words themselves but the monotonous repetition. It's not interesting and makes for bad dialogue. It may

This kind of comedy has to take chances which means some things won't work for some people but it's generally going to be different things for different people. I like that. I like that it goes over the line but not too far. I think everyone is doing a fine job. I especially enjoy the little kid, Jack Stanton, who

What a dismal waste of time. Just looking cheezy isn't enough. Nothing funny AT ALL. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Well, I'll cut Bram some slack because nothing anyone says can be trusted as he's forced to make quick and rash decisions based on threats and fear with almost no solid information. The drone not killing Will & Bram on the wall was a clear signal that they are somehow special to the aliens so the fact that they get by

I take issue with the reviewer’s reasoning that they spent both too much and too little time on the details between plot points… and that Deanery’s arc lacked weight. She had some of the strongest and most dramatic turns of events of the season.
As for Cersei, She is indeed self-serving, fearful and not as smart as

I assumed that whoever shot Delphine didn’t see Krystal and ran when the second person came on the scene. I’m sure whatever happened to Delphine will be fascinating. Rachel’s eye seems to be linked with one in another person. Rachel didn’t really double cross Sarah; she just didn’t tell her the whole plan. Buffalo

I like POI but it’s always been very uneven quality-wise from week to week. Unlike many other shows, you can really tell different directors are at the helm and it’s been a rollercoaster. I liked it but I won’t really miss it. I hope it has a solid wrap-up.

I love this show. It’s so odd. The comedy is all over the map style-wise and often really weird—which I admire because they’re taking chances—and I laughed more at these first two episodes than I have for a long time. I think Maya and Marty are an unlikely yet inspired pairing of comedic geniuses and the guest list

I enjoy the show but If they can develop the characters more somehow (ala Parks and Rec) this show will be even funnier. So far they are just vehicles for gags. Funny gags but it could be even better.

"This was part of the issue in the last two episodes. The plot was either going in odd directions, or it was taking really unnecessary steps to get there.”
Are you kidding me? Both episodes were amazing! So much happened in 6 and 7 was a ll about emotions in the aftermath, it wasn’t about plot.
I’ll have to look again

I don’t think Sarah avoided Delphine’s kiss because she was a woman. I think it was just inappropriate to try to fool her that way, especially when Delphine would know in an instant… and did. Fooling Paul was a different story.

It was good to see everyone just reacting for a bit. Felix tracking Sarah down didn’t bother me at all but the fact that he hadn’t called Cosima immediately about Delphine wasn’t believable. Still, it’s a trifle in the grand scheme of things. People get distracted.
I am wondering if there was some intention in

There’s still room under the garage.