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    They can say what they like. If Nazism is what they like, they will be marginalized in a just society, freely speaking their poisonous bullshit.

    I'm not sure how advocating for Nazism — through any artform — is not advocacy for the ethos of Nazism. Again, I'm not saying people can't express themselves, I'm saying IF AN ADVOCACY FOR NAZISM IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO EXPRESS then that makes you sympathetic to an ideology that is, sorry, evil. In a society of

    "Nazism has every right to exist…" BUZZER SOUND. Nazism was a failed proposition of racial and ethnic superiority that failed every test humanity could pose — social, scientific, geopolitic. If you're arguing everyone has a right to express themselves, nobody disputes that. If you're arguing Nazism as an ethos has a

    He also may not have been talking about productions exclusive to Shakespeare's time.

    PDL and TWBB are actually kind of similar scores to me. Twitchy, chaotically percussive. One's romantically string-y and the other is apocalyptically string-y.
    Also, I hope this movie shifts in tone from the last three theatrical PTA's. I loved that moodiness and slow pacing during the Obama years. But I need some

    I almost wish she hadn't said that specifically so it wouldn't give Fox News an easy out of dealing with her larger point about Trump mocking a man's physical disability.

    He had a really good Never Not Funny last week. Funny dude. And I don't think people should take culture personally, but if I were anything other than a straight white guy I probably would.