
Walder Frey's leverage over the Lannisters is that he is their ally who helped them win the war and now he needs their help against a common enemy. That's how the feudal system works. Margaery became a convert to the Faith because she saw that Loras was at the end of his rope and because the High Sparrow is just that

So, nobody's going to make the comparison between Stannis' sacrifice of Shireen and Agamemnon's sacrifice of Iphigenia? Spoiler: it didn't end well for Agamemnon.

Candy Convention, Room 11. Candy-shaped Rat Poison Convention, Room 1!

There's also Batman's ability to anticipate every possible attack and Waynetech's ability to come up with any kind of gizmo he might possibly need. All of which are ridiculous, but only as much so as Superman's powers. Hell, we could have Bruce Wayne, world's greatest detective, figure out that Superman is really

Your point?

"a tailor WHO is also the buzzsaw-wielding villain Gladiator" "He’s a man WHO’S hungry for love". You keep using "that" instead of "who".

One thing I noticed about older movies is that even the blockbusters move at a slower pace and take the time to focus on small things. "Close Encounters" has a scene with some radar operators that plays like cinema verité. "Dirty Harry" opens with a montage of fire escapes and stairwells that seems almost like an