
I agree about the clear bias so you've always got to be careful.

That was one of the most heartbreaking things; there's little moments where they're clearly just kids and it would be sweet if it wasn't so sad (because of the situation). The walkman comment was one and another was Brendan's confession stated he was playing his PlayStation 2. Just the fact he specified. I just

That was one of the most interesting things to me; the press at the trial seemed to be engaging with the discussions, questioning what was seen and actually investigating. It seemed to then go back to the networks and became "Evil family kills pretty girl!!" Although granted they may have been different networks,

Took me a while to figure out what the difference was. Guess filming a comic book movie during the summer will do that to you! Must have got notes from Pratt.

How could I forget? I still want to be buried under a huge grave surrounded by stones that can be seen from miles away.

And… Twilight.

Given we skipped the pregnancy, it's been about 2-3 years since they got together so it has become normalised within the show. Granted in real life it might be odd, but this is TV.